Game history panels at Super MAGFest 2020 
Announcing the game history panel track for Super MAGFest 2020 in National Harbor, MD!
Announcing the game history panel track for Super MAGFest 2020 in National Harbor, MD!
Announcing a panel about game preservation for Super MAGFest 2018 featuring an incredible panel of archivists and historians. (Plus, Mac games are coming!)
I’m giving a talk about multimedia adventure games at Mysterium, the annual Myst fan convention, now happening virtually for 2020.
A video of the Super MAGfest 2018 panel on game preservation and a preview for a panel at Awesome Con 2018.
A recap of the video game history panel track at Super MAGFest 2019.
Announcing a talk at ArchiveCon, a new event in Baltimore on November 15-16, 2019.
More events keep happening! On May 30th, I’ll be holding a panel on obscure games at Awesome Con in Washington, DC.
An exciting announcement about The Obscuritory’s participation in an upcoming gaming convention in the DMV area.
An announcement about The Obscuritory at MAGFest 2017, including panels and an interactive museum exhibit.
Check our the Undo Jam, a writing exercise about re-imagining game history!