Come join The Obscuritory 24-Hour Charity Game Marathon Tea Party! 
An announcement for a charity fundraiser in support of Extra Life on November 5, 2016 that also includes lots of tea-drinking.
An announcement for a charity fundraiser in support of Extra Life on November 5, 2016 that also includes lots of tea-drinking.
Somehow, I’m participating in a game industry meet-and-greet event with some serious talent. People around DC are encouraged to attend!
Hey, I’m still here! Some updates on what I’ve been up to that’s not writing on this blog.
A quick catch-up on where I’ve been for the last half-year!
Two major additions to previous articles.
The Obscuritory is moving to a Tuesday posting schedule!
I’ve put together a new Resources page to help people find and play obscure games. If you’ve ever wanted to jump in but didn’t know how or where to start, check it out!
I’m joining the Video Game History Foundation as their new library director!
Announcing a panel about game preservation for Super MAGFest 2018 featuring an incredible panel of archivists and historians. (Plus, Mac games are coming!)
After some consideration, I’ve decided to try game streaming as another outlet for The Obscuritory. Come watch!