A game preservation primer 
A recommendation for an article by Heather Alexandra about the broad challenges of game preservation.
A recommendation for an article by Heather Alexandra about the broad challenges of game preservation.
The first known LGBTQ video game has been recovered by archivists and made available for free online!
Kudos to the recently unveiled Museum of ZZT, which goes above being a game repository and shows off new ways to explore user-created content.
Hey, I’m still here! Some updates on what I’ve been up to that’s not writing on this blog.
A podcast episode served as a reminder about the importance of preserving Flash games and whose history they represent.
I’m joining the Video Game History Foundation as their new library director!
Announcing a panel about game preservation for Super MAGFest 2018 featuring an incredible panel of archivists and historians. (Plus, Mac games are coming!)
The latest version of the ScummVM project adds support for Macromedia Director. It could be groundbreaking for game preservation. How well does it work right now? Let’s find out!
After a month filled with reminders about keeping gaming history available, here are a few additional thoughts about those challenges and possibilities.
A video of the Super MAGfest 2018 panel on game preservation and a preview for a panel at Awesome Con 2018.