PSA: Help save young girls’ CD-ROM games! 
Time for a Kickstarter PSA: Please consider chipping in a few dollars to help an arts group preserve really great CD-ROM games made for young girls!
Time for a Kickstarter PSA: Please consider chipping in a few dollars to help an arts group preserve really great CD-ROM games made for young girls!
Rhizome’s event celebrating the re-release of Theresa Duncan’s CD-ROM games is a pivotal moment in CD-ROM history – both critically and technically. Luckily, I took notes! Read about the importance of Chop Suey, Smarty, and Zero Zero in feminist gaming history, as well as Rhizome’s groundbreaking work on server-side emulation.
If you’re in New York City, come to an event hosted by Rhizome and New Museum to commemorate the re-release of the Theresa Duncan CD-ROM games. I’ll be there!