Music Highlight: The Labyrinth of Time 
Hey boys and girls! I decided that during downtime when I’m busier, I would throw some content up in the form of music highlights! So many of these weird old games have great tunes in them, so it’s worth pointing out some of the good ones.
This first one is the stock music piece “Telecom” used in The Labyrinth of Time in 1993. Whenever people reach out about the music from The Labyrinth of Time, “Telecom” is one of the bits that always gets the most praise. Understandably so; especially compared to the rest of the game’s music, “Telecom” is moving, complex, and multilayered. The last segment of the song richly combines half a dozen disparate instruments into a strange and elaborate noisescape.
The Labyrinth of Time‘s soundtrack consists of a 20-minute-or-so loop of music from the production archives at APM Music. This particular song by James Asher came from the album “Industry 2,” which seems to be filled with the blaring synth music that you’d find in a corporate training video in the 80s. With a few exceptions, the rest of the album is painful to hear. Thank goodness at least one interesting – nay, stellar! – track came out of it.
do you know where i can find a track listing for the labyrinth of time? number 6 is great also, maybe i just wasted my brain on this game so much i got to like all of it. even the creepy pre-clown room one that’s all gypsy like and maniacal.
Hi Chris! Joe Pearce, the current rightsholder for The Labyrinth of Time, shared a track list a while back. These are all stock music tracks via APM Music. In the order they play in-game: