With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
With zero words and hundreds of clicky buttons, Haruhiko Shono’s early CD-ROM adventure game L-ZONE paints an ambient, musical portrait of a mysterious planet where machines are equally fun and foreboding.
Ladder Man has a fun central idea that’s fundamentally a chore.
This early CD-ROM novel by Hyperbole Studios imagines how to tell a story across multiple perspectives and mediums, an inventive idea even though the story is muddled.
The third Robomaze is a wild departure for the series – from dystopian sci-fi to Zelda-inspired magical woods – but it still gets stuck on many of the same issues.
Saddam’s Revenge is a time capsule of early 90s Macintosh game scene.
With the SimRefinery prototype now available, let’s take a close look at what we can learn from the unfinished state of the game.
Thanks to a reader, a copy of SimRefinery has successfully been recovered!
This game about packing luggage is a satisfying slice of everyday life where you get to take care of your stuff.
The World Empire war game pentalogy adds a layer of political pragmatism to Risk and captures a decade of stylistic change in gaming.