Aaargh! Condor 
You have ten seconds to defeat a large bird. This is ridiculous. I can’t stop playing it. Why is it good? Aaargh! Condor!
You have ten seconds to defeat a large bird. This is ridiculous. I can’t stop playing it. Why is it good? Aaargh! Condor!
Clyde’s Adventure‘s unexpected, almost uncharacteristic viciousness may speak to those who find playful ridicule motivating.
Raccoons are ransacking a bakery. It’s funny, but also a little unnerving?
Feel like everything sucks? The sadistic slapstick stress relief toy Despair might leave you even more depressed.
Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.
An unrepentantly silly courtroom nightmare offers some good laughs at your expense.
Lineality claims to be the first one-dimensional game – like, literally, it’s just a line. As you’d expect, it’s a joke.
Rockstar! amps up the experience of a rock band’s rise to fame with gratuitous amounts of sex, drugs, and violence (sometimes in poor taste).
You can’t take the wacky-yet-easygoing Solarian II seriously, so its arcade-style action is more fun than aggressive.
Secrets are the primary language of TaskMaker, a Macintosh role-playing game that leans into its eccentricities.