Prince Interactive stream today at 2pm EDT 
Short update about a stream for Prince Interactive in memory of the artist’s death. Includes a link to the video of the playthrough and discussion.
Short update about a stream for Prince Interactive in memory of the artist’s death. Includes a link to the video of the playthrough and discussion.
Some thoughts about the new frontiers opened by the risky but extremely promising emulation work recently implemented by the Internet Archive.
QuickTime enabled low-cost videos on computers, paving the way for new uses of multimedia. That said, we should all probably stop using it now.
The ultimate showdown of gorilla vs. gorilla is actually more like a gorilla programming exercise. (Wait, why is it called Rhapsody?)
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.
Come for the beautiful, breathtaking real-time art. Stay for the handy planner program.
Yoot Saito developed a surprisingly personal take on Maxis’s simulation sandbox genre – and one of the stronger entries in the Sim series.
Reactor Inc.’s foundational interactive movie adventure follows no existing blueprint and nearly falls apart from the tonal whiplash of combining open exploration with cinematic intensity. Nearly.
Span-It is a decently fun, cerebral board game, but its strategic weaknesses are cripplingly obvious against the computer.
The playful Street Shuffle paves over its missteps in taxi management through sheer likeability.