Reclaiming the multimedia “coffee table” 

An old CD-ROM review directory serves as a reminder of the cultural significance of multimedia – and why that period is worth reevaluating.
An old CD-ROM review directory serves as a reminder of the cultural significance of multimedia – and why that period is worth reevaluating.
Liryl, one of the central characters in Sierra’s Lighthouse: The Dark Being, is so unusual and thorny as to deserve special attention.
The ultimate showdown of gorilla vs. gorilla is actually more like a gorilla programming exercise. (Wait, why is it called Rhapsody?)
A combination of issues with level design and controls make this visually sharp, quick-moving Die Hard-with-robots game occasionally difficult to play.
The third Robomaze is a wild departure for the series – from dystopian sci-fi to Zelda-inspired magical woods – but it still gets stuck on many of the same issues.
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.
Saddam’s Revenge is a time capsule of early 90s Macintosh game scene.
This rote educational writing game has a huge problem that causes the text-to-speech voice to read a list of obscenities. After the game has been lost for 20 years, I got a copy, and now you can play it too!
Come for the beautiful, breathtaking real-time art. Stay for the handy planner program.
Sentient overwhelms you with the freedom to roam an active space station and absurdly detailed dialogue. How much of this is just for show?