Dig up old custom worlds in the groundbreaking Museum of ZZT 
Kudos to the recently unveiled Museum of ZZT, which goes above being a game repository and shows off new ways to explore user-created content.
Kudos to the recently unveiled Museum of ZZT, which goes above being a game repository and shows off new ways to explore user-created content.
If you can handle it, the chaotic factory management in Factory gets funnier when it goes wrong.
Fun courses and tricky challenges are no substitute for actually learning geometry, but The Geometric Golfer at least gets you comfortably familiar with transformations.
If you packed as many features as possible into a version of Snake, it might look like Heroes.
With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
When the Lode Runner series moved into 3D, it got more overwhelming, frustrating, and delightful.