The promises of friendlier emulation 
Some thoughts about the new frontiers opened by the risky but extremely promising emulation work recently implemented by the Internet Archive.
Some thoughts about the new frontiers opened by the risky but extremely promising emulation work recently implemented by the Internet Archive.
Time for a Kickstarter PSA: Please consider chipping in a few dollars to help an arts group preserve really great CD-ROM games made for young girls!
A recap of Jason Scott’s discussion about the legality of open game archiving at the National Digital Stewardship Residency 2016 Symposium.
Thanks to a reader, a copy of SimRefinery has successfully been recovered!
Rhizome’s event celebrating the re-release of Theresa Duncan’s CD-ROM games is a pivotal moment in CD-ROM history – both critically and technically. Luckily, I took notes! Read about the importance of Chop Suey, Smarty, and Zero Zero in feminist gaming history, as well as Rhizome’s groundbreaking work on server-side emulation.
If you’re in New York City, come to an event hosted by Rhizome and New Museum to commemorate the re-release of the Theresa Duncan CD-ROM games. I’ll be there!
Game preservation and copyright law is complicated! I joined lawyer Kendra Albert to talk all about it on the Video Game History Hour podcast.
When an old piece of software is tacitly allowed to be shared for free, does that mean it’s okay?
Old games get re-released all the time, but they also fall out of release again. That’s frustrating!