Big on profits, light on ethics, and lavishly excessive in detail, the business simulator Capitalism is, for better or worse, an accurate look at what it’s like to run a big corporation.
Big on profits, light on ethics, and lavishly excessive in detail, the business simulator Capitalism is, for better or worse, an accurate look at what it’s like to run a big corporation.
From the highest vantage point to a small dungeon, Dominus finds a plethora of ways to wage war and then never gives you the time to try them.
The throwback environmentalism in Green makes a cute political cartoon but a very vague strategy game.
This game has an eye-popping design right out of the early internet age’s imagination – plus a strategy game concept that plays off the surprise of the setting.
Lemmings and paintball complement each other better than you’d expect, and Lemmings Paintball‘s sloppiness is less the fault of its ridiculous concept than of its execution.
From the bones of the strategy genre comes this liquid-y war game where fighting is about filling up the right spaces.
One of the first of William Soleau’s puzzle-lite games, Maze Mission Adventure Game is suitably fun to explore in short bursts.
This Elvis-themed space combat game based is less strange or interesting than you’d expect. The normal, acceptable parts far outweigh the weird ones.