Flash games and the importance of disposable media 
A podcast episode served as a reminder about the importance of preserving Flash games and whose history they represent.
A podcast episode served as a reminder about the importance of preserving Flash games and whose history they represent.
The art program Flying Colors is now free to download – plus a bonus link to an interview with the artist behind its graphics.
Frogger’s first 3D outing is unexpectedly his best.
An exceptional piece of alienating design, GADGET: Invention, Travel, & Adventure terrifies and enraptures as it barrels into an uncomfortable, Kubrickian territory.
Fun courses and tricky challenges are no substitute for actually learning geometry, but The Geometric Golfer at least gets you comfortably familiar with transformations.
Ghosts and Weird invite you into virtual museums of the paranormal. They walk a thin line between misinformation and good-natured spookiness. And Christopher Lee is there!
Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.
Hilariously frustrating but never hopeless, this indie Mac physics game revels in losing control.
The throwback environmentalism in Green makes a cute political cartoon but a very vague strategy game.
This game has an eye-popping design right out of the early internet age’s imagination – plus a strategy game concept that plays off the surprise of the setting.