Alien Logic: A SkyRealms of Jorune Adventure 
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Angst may be the worst commercially released first-person shooter of all time. It is so affectingly bad that it makes other games worse.
The rusty sci-fi future of Cybermercs enlivens its repetitive role-playing shooting gallery gameplay, at least for a while.
Tensions flare quickly in Deadlock, a colonization game focused on one crowded region of a new planet.
The incomprehensible mythology of Drowned God celebrates the seductive power of conspiracy theory logic to tame the unexplainable.
H.E.D.Z. has 225 characters – one of the largest, strangest groups ever assembled – and not much else.
The designer of the bizarre gameHelious claimed that it was made by aliens, but it’s more earthbound than it looks.
Cyberflix’s sci-fi opus – an early stab at a narrative-driven shooter – largely fails as both an action game and an adventure game, though there’s glimpses of something innovative under the surface.
Reactor Inc.’s foundational interactive movie adventure follows no existing blueprint and nearly falls apart from the tonal whiplash of combining open exploration with cinematic intensity. Nearly.
This Elvis-themed space combat game based is less strange or interesting than you’d expect. The normal, acceptable parts far outweigh the weird ones.