Tagged: Amiga

Screenshot from Obitus

Obitus RPG category

Not all who wander are lost, but in Obitus, you will always be lost. For this otherwise simple and charming RPG, either prepare to draw your own maps or don’t bother playing.

Screenshot from Perihelion: The Prophecy

Perihelion: The Prophecy RPG category

Perihelion takes place in an epic doom-metal psycho-apocalypse, and the game can never live up to that description.

Screenshot from Transarctica

Transarctica Simulation category

This bleak resource trading game holds onto hope and perseverance amid the cold. (Except for the slavery stuff.)

Screenshot from Tunnels of Armageddon

Tunnels of Armageddon Action category

Racing through this game’s namesake tunnels is a tough, wavering thrill, and it mostly ignores the extra complications thrown on top.

Screenshot from Under Pressure

Under Pressure Action category

Under Pressure is a clunky game – because it was produced under extreme constraints by a company on the verge of shutting down.

Screenshot from Unreal

Unreal Action category

When the epic Unreal came out in 1990, it was something of a technical and artistic marvel. Can you experience that the same way today?

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