Alien Logic: A SkyRealms of Jorune Adventure 
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Based on a series of fantasy novels, Below the Root captures the enchanted tone of children’s literature by putting kindness and connectedness at the heart of the adventure.
From the highest vantage point to a small dungeon, Dominus finds a plethora of ways to wage war and then never gives you the time to try them.
Announcement of a stream for Enchanted Scepters, one of the first games for the Macintosh, featuring guest Keith Kaisershot.
Edmark’s storytelling program uses believable, educational settings – which is perfect for making creative mischief.
Chess moves are a bit of a silly basis for a whole game. Knight Movies definitely makes a go of it though.
Bill Williams’s ridiculously ambitious “cultural simulation” game tries to create an entire society and its religion. It’s hard to understand, a chore to play, and incredible in scope.
This early CD-ROM novel by Hyperbole Studios imagines how to tell a story across multiple perspectives and mediums, an inventive idea even though the story is muddled.
In place of plot or a focus on RPG stats, Magus lets you wander.
A trip-hop electric piano groove isn’t an obvious choice for shop music in a fantasy RPG, but it fits the mood.