Robot City 
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.
Sentient overwhelms you with the freedom to roam an active space station and absurdly detailed dialogue. How much of this is just for show?
Reactor Inc.’s foundational interactive movie adventure follows no existing blueprint and nearly falls apart from the tonal whiplash of combining open exploration with cinematic intensity. Nearly.
The dot-com bubble meets spy novel espionage in ruthless.com, a wild game of corporate warfare by Tom Clancy’s studio Red Storm Entertainment that reflects the exciting empty promises of the late-90s tech industry.
With a solid base, the cocky and brash Traffic Department 2192 keeps rolling for surprisingly long after it runs out of steam.
Racing through this game’s namesake tunnels is a tough, wavering thrill, and it mostly ignores the extra complications thrown on top.
Under Pressure is a clunky game – because it was produced under extreme constraints by a company on the verge of shutting down.
Enter the Video Cube – a extraterrestrial video puzzle that probably only exists because computers could now play videos.
Zephyr has all the charm and production values of a dystopian sci-fi classic, though the gameplay is sort of a mess.