The Book of Watermarks 

Produced late in the PlayStation’s lifecycle, Sony’s is like a new-age album come to life — an ethereal, awkward fantasia of Mediterranean islands and puzzle boxes.
Produced late in the PlayStation’s lifecycle, Sony’s is like a new-age album come to life — an ethereal, awkward fantasia of Mediterranean islands and puzzle boxes.
Raccoons are ransacking a bakery. It’s funny, but also a little unnerving?
Osamu Sato’s bizarre magnum opus is a metaphorical tale of rebirth and self-actualization.
An exceptional piece of alienating design, GADGET: Invention, Travel, & Adventure terrifies and enraptures as it barrels into an uncomfortable, Kubrickian territory.
Artdink’s hot air balloon game is a whirlwind of laid-back energy, where the control is taken out of your hands and there’s no wrong way to reach your destination.
With zero words and hundreds of clicky buttons, Haruhiko Shono’s early CD-ROM adventure game L-ZONE paints an ambient, musical portrait of a mysterious planet where machines are equally fun and foreboding.
popol maya is a philosophy expressed as a game. Its vibrant, often poorly communicated mythology only partly channels the game’s view on life.
Yoot Saito developed a surprisingly personal take on Maxis’s simulation sandbox genre – and one of the stronger entries in the Sim series.