There are plenty of better racing games than Ballistics. None of them can match its unbelievable, outrageous speeds.
There are plenty of better racing games than Ballistics. None of them can match its unbelievable, outrageous speeds.
When a bunch of high-schoolers in Ontario tried to make Mortal Kombat at home, they made Battle for the Eras: a standout example of the thrown-together spirit of homemade games.
If you’ve ever wanted to pilot a flying car, BHunter is excellent wish fulfillment. Its shoddy world-building may not hold interest past that.
With the fourth Carnivores game, Cityscape, the dinosaur-hunting series took a drastic new direction, finally letting you play as the dinosaurs while putting multiplayer first.
The free, defunct multiplayer shooter Control Monger has a unique defensive gameplay keeps you constantly moving. To learn what it was like, I brought in some friends!
The rusty sci-fi future of Cybermercs enlivens its repetitive role-playing shooting gallery gameplay, at least for a while.
Tensions flare quickly in Deadlock, a colonization game focused on one crowded region of a new planet.
Developed sporadically for two decades and based on a bizarre dream about lizard men, The Frogs Of War is a perplexing game that follows no other.
Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.
This game has an eye-popping design right out of the early internet age’s imagination – plus a strategy game concept that plays off the surprise of the setting.