Atmosfear: The Third Dimension 
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
An evil god inhabits this challenging puzzle game and, frustratingly, messes with its formula out of total spite.
An unrepentantly silly courtroom nightmare offers some good laughs at your expense.
Step onto the set of the future of television – a faithful reproduction of 1970s game shows at their best and worst.
A combination of random events and speculative fiction creates drama in this game’s virtual auction house. Does it matter that we can’t separate the randomness from the intentional storytelling and character? (This article includes a history of the game’s rocky production.)
This bite-sized shareware pirate adventure was made to fit into a coffee break. For first-time game designer Erin Pavlina, it was another new challenge to adapt to.
A clever scenario mode guarantees that anyone can jump into QuarterPole and have fun watching a horse race, though its depth might confuse those who aren’t fans of the real thing.
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.
Rockstar! amps up the experience of a rock band’s rise to fame with gratuitous amounts of sex, drugs, and violence (sometimes in poor taste).