Backpacker: The Lost Florence Gold Mine 
The disarmingly slow Idaho wilderness of Backpacker serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and appreciate a life lived restfully.
The disarmingly slow Idaho wilderness of Backpacker serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and appreciate a life lived restfully.
It’s not Bomberman. It’s not Doom. It’s Boom! It’s a shameless ripoff of both franchises that has enough verve to stand on its own.
Go inside a void of glistening lights, created by its programmer as a personal place to be alone. You can explore it if you can control it. Maybe we’re not supposed to play this.
Tensions flare quickly in Deadlock, a colonization game focused on one crowded region of a new planet.
Inspired by CD-ROM adventure games, Dorling Kindersley’s virtual museum of earth science is like an encyclopedia blown up into a colossal educational destination.
Frogger’s first 3D outing is unexpectedly his best.
Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.
This game has an eye-popping design right out of the early internet age’s imagination – plus a strategy game concept that plays off the surprise of the setting.
Loaded with speed but awkward to play, HoverSki is a breezy racing game that crams in unnecessary extreme stunts.
Artdink’s hot air balloon game is a whirlwind of laid-back energy, where the control is taken out of your hands and there’s no wrong way to reach your destination.