Alien Logic: A SkyRealms of Jorune Adventure 
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Brilliant, baffling, and sometimes barren, the unconventional RPG adaptation Alien Logic lets you loose on a directionless journey in a truly unique world with a deep history.
Based on a series of fantasy novels, Below the Root captures the enchanted tone of children’s literature by putting kindness and connectedness at the heart of the adventure.
Go inside a void of glistening lights, created by its programmer as a personal place to be alone. You can explore it if you can control it. Maybe we’re not supposed to play this.
Osamu Sato’s bizarre magnum opus is a metaphorical tale of rebirth and self-actualization.
Artdink’s hot air balloon game is a whirlwind of laid-back energy, where the control is taken out of your hands and there’s no wrong way to reach your destination.
Although blatantly inspired by Myst, Sierra’s Lighthouse has its own take on how to build an indifferent world.
In place of plot or a focus on RPG stats, Magus lets you wander.
Not all who wander are lost, but in Obitus, you will always be lost. For this otherwise simple and charming RPG, either prepare to draw your own maps or don’t bother playing.
Stark, frightening, silly, muddled, complicated – the multimedia collaboration between performance artist Laurie Anderson and the Voyager Company is a fragmented reflection on the murkiness of the electronic age.
Robot City is a gripping, scary, unforgettable sci-fi murder mystery saddled a tedious and unfair open world.