Atmosfear: The Third Dimension 
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
Creep Clash is a lousy fighting game, but at least it’s a lousy Halloween fighting game.
Hell is a television event in The Devil Inside, a sluggish horror game that relishes the sleazy, empty exploitation of reality TV rather than parodying it.
Often clumsy but never too tough, Don’t Go Alone has some spooky fun with its campy haunted house motif.
Ghosts and Weird invite you into virtual museums of the paranormal. They walk a thin line between misinformation and good-natured spookiness. And Christopher Lee is there!
This brief, sweet ode to Halloween captures everything fun and spooky about a fun and spooky holiday.
Over-the-top, bizarre monsters are the hallmarks of this gruesome, goofy bloodbath, released for free in 2002.
Scream in terror at this adventurous platformer inspired by earnest 1950s horror movies! Tremble at its spooky sound design! Wade through its trial-and-error gameplay!