Not all who wander are lost, but in Obitus, you will always be lost. For this otherwise simple and charming RPG, either prepare to draw your own maps or don’t bother playing.
Not all who wander are lost, but in Obitus, you will always be lost. For this otherwise simple and charming RPG, either prepare to draw your own maps or don’t bother playing.
Gaming’s awkward evolution from 2D to 3D is on display in this 1997 sports game, which, interestingly, isn’t as extreme as it sounds.
Rockstar! amps up the experience of a rock band’s rise to fame with gratuitous amounts of sex, drugs, and violence (sometimes in poor taste).
Sentient overwhelms you with the freedom to roam an active space station and absurdly detailed dialogue. How much of this is just for show?
Everything has a visible cost in SimIsle, a tropical simulation game about the dynamics between industry, labor, and ecology. What does it mean that it contradicts its own environmentalist message?
Under Pressure is a clunky game – because it was produced under extreme constraints by a company on the verge of shutting down.
The awesomely bad shooter Virtuoso captures the nihilist anger of a moment in culture when rock ‘n’ roll was about to burn out.