Tagged: live action

Screenshot from Battle of the Eras, showing a fight between Gatekeeper and Sho-Jin. The characters are depicted as low-resolution, live-action graphics. Gatekeeper is lunging forward with a long staff, apparently yelling. Sho-Jin wears a karate uniform and has his hands up in a combat pose. The background is a random mishmash of shapes and colors, including a weird face in the sky.

Battle of the Eras Fighting category

When a bunch of high-schoolers in Ontario tried to make Mortal Kombat at home, they made Battle for the Eras: a standout example of the thrown-together spirit of homemade games.

Screenshot from Beyond the Wall of Stars

Beyond the Wall of Stars Adventure categoryMultimedia category

From the author of the Choose Your Own Adventure books comes this unintentionally silly multimedia space adventure, which has a rocky time telling a story in a digital format.

Screenshot from Biosys

Biosys Adventure categorySimulation category

Biosys is an environmental simulation in the form of an adventure game, a bold combination that stretches both parts.

Screenshot from The Book of Watermarks. A profile view of Prospero is super-imposed with an illustration of a human skull.

The Book of Watermarks Adventure categoryPlayStation category

Produced late in the PlayStation’s lifecycle, Sony’s is like a new-age album come to life — an ethereal, awkward fantasia of Mediterranean islands and puzzle boxes.

Screenshot from Defcon 5

Defcon 5 Shooter categorySimulation category

Combining first-person shooters and strategic simulation around a specific location is a brilliant concept. Defcon 5 implements it in an extremely flawed way, though enough that you can see what works.

Screenshot from Gooch Grundy's X-Decathlon

Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon Sports category

Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.

Screenshot from Hell Cab

Hell Cab Adventure category

Technical constraints and a very brief length prevent Hell Cab from being more than a roller coaster ride with an attitude.

Screenshot from The Journeyman Project

The Journeyman Project Adventure category

The Journeyman Project has a brilliant vision of the future, a standout among games of its time, that tackles a great paperback science fiction premise with maturity and hope.

Screenshot from The Madness of Roland

The Madness of Roland Multimedia category

This early CD-ROM novel by Hyperbole Studios imagines how to tell a story across multiple perspectives and mediums, an inventive idea even though the story is muddled.

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