Backpacker: The Lost Florence Gold Mine 
The disarmingly slow Idaho wilderness of Backpacker serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and appreciate a life lived restfully.
The disarmingly slow Idaho wilderness of Backpacker serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and appreciate a life lived restfully.
From the author of the Choose Your Own Adventure books comes this unintentionally silly multimedia space adventure, which has a rocky time telling a story in a digital format.
Biosys is an environmental simulation in the form of an adventure game, a bold combination that stretches both parts.
Produced late in the PlayStation’s lifecycle, Sony’s is like a new-age album come to life — an ethereal, awkward fantasia of Mediterranean islands and puzzle boxes.
The first known LGBTQ video game has been recovered by archivists and made available for free online!
Where do the outliers fit into gaming history? My article about Comer, a surreal self-published CD-ROM game from 1998, is now available in ROMchip: A Journal of Game Histories!
After a phenomenal introduction, this murder mystery loses sight of its resonant message about change and time amid a setting that sidelines those forces.
The expectations of the adventure genre weigh on this game that otherwise has a blast chasing the non-logic of an increasingly absurd dream.
The incomprehensible mythology of Drowned God celebrates the seductive power of conspiracy theory logic to tame the unexplainable.
Osamu Sato’s bizarre magnum opus is a metaphorical tale of rebirth and self-actualization.