The Obscuritory at ArchiveCon 2019 
Announcing a talk at ArchiveCon, a new event in Baltimore on November 15-16, 2019.
Announcing a talk at ArchiveCon, a new event in Baltimore on November 15-16, 2019.
Under Pressure is a clunky game – because it was produced under extreme constraints by a company on the verge of shutting down.
Check our the Undo Jam, a writing exercise about re-imagining game history!
Announcing a video game history panel track at Super MAGFest 2019!
Stopping by the Video Game History Hour podcast to talk about SimRefinery and the alternate future of Maxis.
An accidental trip to the former offices of a CD-ROM developer and what that building says about the 90s multimedia industry.
ROMChip is a new scholarly game history journal. Be sure to sign up for whenever they start publishing.
The creators of SimCity had a division that made Sim games for corporations. They were never released to the public. For the first time ever, this is the story of Maxis Business Simulations.
A quick plug for Emilie Reed’s writing jam on lost video game history.