Cybermercs: The Soldiers of the 22nd Century 

The rusty sci-fi future of Cybermercs enlivens its repetitive role-playing shooting gallery gameplay, at least for a while.
The rusty sci-fi future of Cybermercs enlivens its repetitive role-playing shooting gallery gameplay, at least for a while.
Tensions flare quickly in Deadlock, a colonization game focused on one crowded region of a new planet.
This lovingly cluttered, colorful strategy game based on the classical elements needs more focus to deliver a endgame as compelling as it looks.
Six years after designing Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov followed up his beloved puzzle game with a bizarre misfire about stacking faces.
Like an exaggerated version of deduction classic Clue, Infocom’s Footblitzky demands good note-taking to make logical order out of its overstuffed rules.
Frogger’s first 3D outing is unexpectedly his best.
Developed sporadically for two decades and based on a bizarre dream about lizard men, The Frogs Of War is a perplexing game that follows no other.
Behold, a great awful game: Gooch Grundy’s X-Decathlon‘s astounding silliness frees its nonsensical sports from the need to be good or playable.
This game has an eye-popping design right out of the early internet age’s imagination – plus a strategy game concept that plays off the surprise of the setting.
The wildly erratic, bizarre fighting game Grizzly is too much and all over the place – uncomfortably intense while trying to be silly.