Carnivores: Cityscape 
With the fourth Carnivores game, Cityscape, the dinosaur-hunting series took a drastic new direction, finally letting you play as the dinosaurs while putting multiplayer first.
With the fourth Carnivores game, Cityscape, the dinosaur-hunting series took a drastic new direction, finally letting you play as the dinosaurs while putting multiplayer first.
As an educational tool about dinosaurs, this game is limited by its strategic shortcomings. As a strategy game, it’s held back by its adherence to science.
Six years after designing Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov followed up his beloved puzzle game with a bizarre misfire about stacking faces.
Frogger’s first 3D outing is unexpectedly his best.
The awesome action in Kobo Deluxe moves so smoothly that you can play it without thinking.
When the Lode Runner series moved into 3D, it got more overwhelming, frustrating, and delightful.
The third game in the Dr. Brain series is quite fun because of its multi-subject education – not in spite of it.
MissionForce: CyberStorm‘s complex strategic gameplay underscores a dark narrative about the invasive, soulless logic of endless war.
A combination of issues with level design and controls make this visually sharp, quick-moving Die Hard-with-robots game occasionally difficult to play.
The third Robomaze is a wild departure for the series – from dystopian sci-fi to Zelda-inspired magical woods – but it still gets stuck on many of the same issues.