With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
With zero words and hundreds of clicky buttons, Haruhiko Shono’s early CD-ROM adventure game L-ZONE paints an ambient, musical portrait of a mysterious planet where machines are equally fun and foreboding.
Easy-to-use game creation tools let novice game designers make fanworks like Legacy Of The Golden Hammer, one part Mario game and three parts out-of-control action movie written by a teenager.
The only game from Women Wise, a company dedicated to software for women, The Legend of Lotus Spring takes you an overflowingly emotional journey of loss and remembrance.
Lemmings and paintball complement each other better than you’d expect, and Lemmings Paintball‘s sloppiness is less the fault of its ridiculous concept than of its execution.
Although blatantly inspired by Myst, Sierra’s Lighthouse has its own take on how to build an indifferent world.
From the bones of the strategy genre comes this liquid-y war game where fighting is about filling up the right spaces.
When the Lode Runner series moved into 3D, it got more overwhelming, frustrating, and delightful.
The third game in the Dr. Brain series is quite fun because of its multi-subject education – not in spite of it.
Cyberflix’s sci-fi opus – an early stab at a narrative-driven shooter – largely fails as both an action game and an adventure game, though there’s glimpses of something innovative under the surface.