kiki the nano bot 

Gravity, space, and direction are torn to pieces by kiki the nano bot‘s mind-bending antics, possibly too much so.
Gravity, space, and direction are torn to pieces by kiki the nano bot‘s mind-bending antics, possibly too much so.
Chess moves are a bit of a silly basis for a whole game. Knight Movies definitely makes a go of it though.
With an avalanche of brightly colored blocks, Kye turns inundating you into a puzzle.
Ladder Man has a fun central idea that’s fundamentally a chore.
Laser Light spends too much time nitpicking the little things to live up to its inspired riff on Pipe Dream.
When the Lode Runner series moved into 3D, it got more overwhelming, frustrating, and delightful.
The third game in the Dr. Brain series is quite fun because of its multi-subject education – not in spite of it.
This ornate Rube Goldberg-esque game, done in the style of a Renaissance-era drawing, has the same appeal as a picture book. You don’t even have to finish playing it right to enjoy it! One of the few games completed by the Austin branch of Maxis.
Enter the human brain in Mind Walker, a multi-layered, genre-hopping trip through the subconscious that gets lost in its own metaphors.
Developer Steve Moraff’s exacting personality shows through in this tough, peculiarly designed puzzle game that’s also an ad for his band.