Halloween Night II 

This brief, sweet ode to Halloween captures everything fun and spooky about a fun and spooky holiday.
This brief, sweet ode to Halloween captures everything fun and spooky about a fun and spooky holiday.
The designer of the bizarre gameHelious claimed that it was made by aliens, but it’s more earthbound than it looks.
Over-the-top, bizarre monsters are the hallmarks of this gruesome, goofy bloodbath, released for free in 2002.
If you packed as many features as possible into a version of Snake, it might look like Heroes.
Gravity, space, and direction are torn to pieces by kiki the nano bot‘s mind-bending antics, possibly too much so.
The awesome action in Kobo Deluxe moves so smoothly that you can play it without thinking.
Easy-to-use game creation tools let novice game designers make fanworks like Legacy Of The Golden Hammer, one part Mario game and three parts out-of-control action movie written by a teenager.
Lineality claims to be the first one-dimensional game – like, literally, it’s just a line. As you’d expect, it’s a joke.
From the bones of the strategy genre comes this liquid-y war game where fighting is about filling up the right spaces.
In place of plot or a focus on RPG stats, Magus lets you wander.