
Back when extreme sports were hitting the mainstream, 989 Studios’ 3Xtreme tried to cram multiple extreme sports into a single game.
Back when extreme sports were hitting the mainstream, 989 Studios’ 3Xtreme tried to cram multiple extreme sports into a single game.
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
When a bunch of high-schoolers in Ontario tried to make Mortal Kombat at home, they made Battle for the Eras: a standout example of the thrown-together spirit of homemade games.
It’s not Bomberman. It’s not Doom. It’s Boom! It’s a shameless ripoff of both franchises that has enough verve to stand on its own.
Big on profits, light on ethics, and lavishly excessive in detail, the business simulator Capitalism is, for better or worse, an accurate look at what it’s like to run a big corporation.
Creep Clash is a lousy fighting game, but at least it’s a lousy Halloween fighting game.
This lovingly cluttered, colorful strategy game based on the classical elements needs more focus to deliver a endgame as compelling as it looks.
Six years after designing Tetris, Alexey Pajitnov followed up his beloved puzzle game with a bizarre misfire about stacking faces.
Like an exaggerated version of deduction classic Clue, Infocom’s Footblitzky demands good note-taking to make logical order out of its overstuffed rules.
Frogger’s first 3D outing is unexpectedly his best.