
Back when extreme sports were hitting the mainstream, 989 Studios’ 3Xtreme tried to cram multiple extreme sports into a single game.
Back when extreme sports were hitting the mainstream, 989 Studios’ 3Xtreme tried to cram multiple extreme sports into a single game.
This 1996 adaptation of the video board game series Atmosfear takes cues from features in other CD-ROM computer games. Some ideas improve the video board game format; others don’t.
When a bunch of high-schoolers in Ontario tried to make Mortal Kombat at home, they made Battle for the Eras: a standout example of the thrown-together spirit of homemade games.
Based on a series of fantasy novels, Below the Root captures the enchanted tone of children’s literature by putting kindness and connectedness at the heart of the adventure.
With the fourth Carnivores game, Cityscape, the dinosaur-hunting series took a drastic new direction, finally letting you play as the dinosaurs while putting multiplayer first.
The free, defunct multiplayer shooter Control Monger has a unique defensive gameplay keeps you constantly moving. To learn what it was like, I brought in some friends!
Creep Clash is a lousy fighting game, but at least it’s a lousy Halloween fighting game.
Tensions flare quickly in Deadlock, a colonization game focused on one crowded region of a new planet.
Hell is a television event in The Devil Inside, a sluggish horror game that relishes the sleazy, empty exploitation of reality TV rather than parodying it.
As an educational tool about dinosaurs, this game is limited by its strategic shortcomings. As a strategy game, it’s held back by its adherence to science.